Playful Passage n.8

Playful Passage n.8

Welcome back to a new passage dear human,

What a wonderful last few days, weeks and moments. First of all I want to thank you. The experience at the Spielefest in Vienna was something special. It was great fun for me and Bruno to show you our game, play together and have fun. And the best thing of all is the feeling, especially for me, of knowing that the first Insightopians are now out there roaming the modern world and celebrating cultivated, mind-stimulating breaks with their fellow human beings.

A few announcing clarifications: I'm currently working on the Kickstarter page and will soon be sharing a kind of pre-page with you, through which you can publicly show your interest in the game and get direct notification when the campaign goes live. Accordingly, I will continue to write passages in which I share my insights during the development process and ideas for a playful life. The Kickstarter page is then mainly for the purchase of Insighttopia, our first game. The passage rather expresses the spirit behind Playtipus and is in a way a wonderful entity in its own right.

Playful practice 😜: Nature speaks in symbols as soon as you look for them.
I spent the last few days in the Norwegian wilderness, together with an inspiring group of people, guided by Thoralf and Manuel. We found stillness and explored what was left of our connection to nature. In many exercises, inspired by Theory U and the book Active Hope, we immersed ourselves in a wonderful process. We asked nature if she wanted to show us her pain and she replied. I can't show you the pictures, I can't show you the places and I certainly can't express the feeling that moved us in those moments. I just want to encourage you to go outside as soon as you can, maybe even right now, and dedicate yourself to this very question: "Dear Earth, can you please show me your pain?

Playtipus’ Playful Passage 🌈

In this passage I tell you how we realize a playful life and career.
πŸ’€ If you missed a passage or want to re-read one, you can find them here
πŸ„ If you enjoy this passage, please share it with friends! Every share and spor of inspiration helps us tremendously and produces a whole lot of good karma points.
✨ Did you know that our first game "Insighttopia" will be launched in the upcoming months? We are thrilled to announce a presale for our readers and earliest birds soon!